“Our prime purpose in life is to help others. And if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them.”
– The Dalai Lama

I am a Health Coach looking to reach out and inform others on the subjects of health, nutrition, and medicine. There is so much material out there and everyone swears that their way is the best way. As you look at each theory, you’ll find that one always contradicts the other.. Talk about confusing!

Through my education, I’ve learned that the individual is more important than the theory and that everyone’s body responds to things in different ways. This is called bioindividuality. I have certifications in Holistic Nutrition, Integrative Nutrition, Health Counseling, Massage Therapy (Swedish), and Medical Terminology. Through the benefit of my education, I will be writing articles to help educate everyone that wants to improve their health, happiness, and their life. I would like to cut through the “my way is the best way” mess and offer information that everyone can use.

I have also practiced Martial Arts nearly all of my life, and have studied a number of different arts. My studies have included: Jeet Kune Do, Muay Thai, Kali (Doce Paris Escrima and Lameco Escrima), Shaolin, Long Fist, Ba Gua Zhang, Taijiquan (Tai Chi), & Qigong.