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Don't reach for that pain killer just yet! Regular pain killers like aspirin, etc. are all very toxic to our system and can cause liver damage! Now of course, no one should have to deal with their aching pains; not at all. Because of the low arch support in my feet, I've endured a great deal of pain in my legs almost all of my life. When I was younger, I would rarely go through a day without taking an Aleve for my knee and ankle pain; in fact, I used to carry a bottle of Aleve and a bottle of water in my car all the time. Two years ago I started to look into a more natural method of pain relief that didn't involve damaging my internal organs because the pain wasn't going away with more pain relievers like it normally did and at the time I had a stand up job.

In the research I did, I came upon a suggestion to try mixing apple cider vinegar with water and then drink it down. I was very desperate, and was willing to try anything if it promised pain relief, so I tried it. Honestly, I wasn't expecting it to work; that's just my luck with this kind of stuff. I took this concoction the night before and woke up the next morning for work and rushed out the door for work. Sometime in the middle of the day, I noticed that my legs felt pretty good; really good in fact. I was absolutely amazed by the fact that I had no pain in my legs that day and that the pain relief lasted the entire day. This has never happened before, and it's surprising as well since from the start I figured it wouldn't work for me.

I would like to share this wonderful concoction with you so that you can experience wonderful relief of muscular pain:

1 teaspoon of unfiltered organic apple cider vinegar (I use Bragg's brand)

4oz (½ cup) of water

Mix up the two and bring it down

Yes, this method doesn't taste fantastic. You can try to use this method substituting water with juice, but I have never tried it. What's doing the magic is the apple cider vinegar. There's an old saying that “to eat an apple before bed will make the doctor beg for his bread”; so it's apparent that this method is very old and time tested. It's worked superbly for me and since the day I started using this method I have never touched any sort of pain medication, which is amazing for me. For added relief, you can also eat a teaspoon or moor of raw honey (which can be found at most health food stores and super markets).


Related article:
Enjoy fresh produce and a healthy glow with apple cider vinegar, from

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